Foreign Driver’s License Exchange

Foreign Driver’s License Exchange
Karolina Gradowska-Kania

Karolina Gradowska-Kania

Attorney / Head of the Mobility & HR department

For foreigners from European Union countries, it is not necessary, but driving licenses issued outside the European Union lose their validity after 185 days from obtaining a permit for permanent or temporary residence in Poland.

In such cases, it is necessary to apply for its exchange. In some cases, the foreigner is also required to pass a state theoretical driving exam.

What does our service entail?

Our service involves assisting in assembling the necessary documents for the application and preparing the application itself. In case there is a need to take a theoretical or practical driving exam, we provide assistance to the client or foreigner during the examination process.

Wyróżniony ekspert

Karolina Gradowska-Kania

Karolina Gradowska-Kania

Attorney / Head of the Mobility & HR department

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    CGO Mobility